Opening the Menu on Desktop PC

See how to access the menu, controls, and tools when using VIzible on desktop.

If you are running Vizible on Desktop, you can use desktop controls!

How to Use the Desktop Menu

  • Inside of an Attendee or Presenter Session, bring up the menu using the Spacebar on your keyboard.
  • The directions for using the controls are on the screen. Use W S A D on the keyboard to move Up, Down, Left, and Right. Navigate through the menu using these keys and use Left Mousebutton to select. Toggle the menu using Spacebar
  • Note: Do Not click on the tiles with your mouse, rather, you must use W S A D to move to each tile in the menu and then left click your mouse to select.

Arrow Keys - Physical Movement

All tools can be accessed via the menu; however, there is an additional element of Desktop menu: Physical Position. When using an HMD with trackers, a user can walk around the environment and the trackers will allow the avatar of the user to have offsets from the user’s positional movement. Since Desktop mode doesn’t have trackers, we incorportaed arrow keys to work as physical movement. Moving around the environment via Magic Carpet is still the primary mode of movement for the user, but if you want to test physical walking in the environment, use:

  • Arrow Up to move forward
  • Arrow Down to move backward
  • Arrow Left to move left
  • Arrow Right to move right

Interesting Example - When resetting the viewpoint of an avatar (Attendee , etc), all Attendees will be moved to that location. One way to work around this is to set the reset to Base, In that case, the users may have physical offsets so that when they get reset, they are not stacked on top of each other. In order to test this on Desktop, you would need to user the arrow keys to physically move your user, then the reset will reset you to the reset location, with an offset equal to the distance you have moved in physical space.

Please note - if you use the arrow keys, and are reseting viewpoint as base, the desktop user will be offset from the base as far as they have traveled with their arrow keys

Menu Layers

  • The menu is sorted into transports, tools, and audio. The three tiles that will pop up the first time you open your menu are these three sections. All tools will be under one of these three sections. To bring up your menu, press Spacebar.
  • Once you select a tile from the first layer of the menu, that section of the menu will shrink below and a new layer will pop up in its place. You can see this being done in the gif above.

Start Menu: The start menu has the three icons below (Tools, Audio, Transports)

Menu Start  

Transport Menu: The transport menu has the two icons below (Teleport, Want Magic Carpet)

Menu Teleport 

Audio Menu: The audio menu has the icon below (Mute)

Menu Audio

Tools Menu: The tools menu has the five icons below (Laser, Pencil, Grabber, Slide, Remote)

Menu Tools  


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