Test Connectivity With The Vizible Demo Scene

See how to test your connectivity to Vizible using a Vizible Demo Scene.

How to Connect to the Demo Scene

If You Have a Vizible Organization:

First, ensure that you have downloaded the latest version of the Vizible Client from the downloads page on your Vizible dashboard (you will need to sign in to get there):


Below is a screenshot of where to download the Vizible Client Application (it is called "Vizard Client" on this page):

Once you have fully downloaded and installed the Vizible Client application, navigate to the  "Demo Scenes" Tab on your Vizible dashboard, or follow the link below:


Select Desktop, or your VR device if you have a VR device connected, and click "Launch."

Depending on the browser you are using, this will open a "Launch Application" window on your desktop, asking you to select which application to use for the Demo Scene. Select the option "LoginInterface" and "Open Link" (we also recommend checking the box to "Remember my choice for Vizible links").

This will automatically launch the Vizible Attendee application and connect you to a demo scene.

First, you will see the "Live Mic" loading screen and should also see text that shows percentages of downloads for the scene resources.

Below is a screenshot showing the loading resources "Live Mic" screen. If you do not see the text describing the scene resources downloading, this may be an indication that there are connectivity issues. The Live Mic scene should appear for less than thirty seconds as this is a very small Vizible scene:

If the demo scene launches successfully you should see a scene that looks like the one below and hear a recording over your speakers or headphones explaining that this is a test.

If You Do NOT Have a Vizible Organization

First make sure you have the latest version of the Vizible Client application downloaded here:


Once you have downloaded and installed the latest version of Vizible Client, launch the application and enter "1-1-1" for the session ID if you are joining a session based on the North American server, which we are in this example.

This scene is very light so it should take just a few seconds to download the assets, and I would recommend selecting the "Desktop" configuration as this will give you the quickest validation of your connection.

You will get the red bar across the bottom third of the application window that says "Session is invalid or presenter has not joined" but ignore this and click the light blue "Demo Scene" text in the bottom left hand corner. This will launch the demo scene. You will then get the "Live Mic" loading screen and should also see text that shows percentages of downloads for the scene resources.

It should look exactly like the screen shot below (the Demo Scene text that launches the scene is circled in red):

Below is a screenshot showing the loading resources "Live Mic" screen. If you do not see the text describing the scene resource downloading, this may be an indication that there are connectivity issues.

The Live Mic scene should appear for less than thirty seconds as this is a very small Vizible scene:

If the demo scene launches successfully you should see a scene that looks like this and hear a recording over your speakers or headphones explaining that this is a test.

This is what the demo scene when fully launched should look like:


* indicates required